Navin Shrinivas

About me!

I am Navin Shrinivas, a geek, avid learner and a tinkerer. Recently graduated in Computer Sciences from PES University.

My journey has been driven by a deep interest in distributed systems, databases, operating systems, compilers, Linux, and the vibrant world of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

Here, you'll find a showcase of my work, some of by blogs, and updates on my latest projects. Feel free to connect with me — I'm always eager to discuss innovative ideas and collaborate on exciting ventures.

I am currently on the lookout for software developer position, please reach out to me if you find my work interesting. You can find my resume and other details here : Contact me

This site is built using Sapling, one of my own projects.


My experiences:

Some recent posts

It's by design that some posts on here are incomplete-The Cult of Done Manifesto