
Rust Learnings | 2024-08-27
Thing I learnt in rust during building webRTC stack, documented.
#systems #Rust #Networks #buffer #Protocols
GRE Journey - resources | 2024-08-27
My plan for GRE and resources.
#GRE #Graduate studies #studying
STUN - Magic Potion Against NAT | 2024-08-27
My facination with NAT and STUN.
#systems #Protocols #Networks #WebRTC
Solving Gossip Glomers Challenges | 2024-04-27
My experience solving Gossip Glomers Challenges
#systems #Distributed systems #Open Source #Jepsen #Maelstrom
My first and small contribution to Jaeger | 2024-03-22
My first contribution to Jaeger, a CNCF graduated project
#systems #Distributed systems #Open Source #FOSS #Observability #Jaeger #CNCF
Simplified Blog on - FLP | 2024-02-19
Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process
#systems #consensus #Distributed systems #theory #reearch paper
File formats - Database internals 02 | 2023-11-12
My personal notes of Chapter 3 from The database internals book
#systems #databases #database internals
Basics of Btrees - Database internals 01 | 2023-11-10
My personal notes of Chapter 2 from The database internals book
#systems #databases #database internals
Functional LDAP knowledge | 2023-10-19
A mild introduction to terms in LDAP
#systems #ldap #idm #auth system
Economics in Algorithms - Bittorrent | 2023-10-15
A abridged version of the Bittorrent Economics paper
#systems #bittorrent #distributed
Little about ORMs - Rustaceans meet Bangalore! | 2023-10-12
This blog hold my experience giving a talk on ORMs in Rust Conf that took place in ThoughtWorks in Bangalore!
#Rust #ORMs #PupBin #SeaORM
Blog page testing components | 2022-01-01
A blog testing out various markdown components with this rendering pattern
#markdown #testing